Poems Glad Heart Poem Poetry GladHeart Poetry Poem Glad Heart Poems

Worshipping the Soul of She Who With You Shares Heaven

The Tantric path of Shakti’s fire

is need lain in care beyond

throbbed enjoyment gush

of desire’s coursing torrent now,

Gone deep beyond the outward tip

to feel instead of hidden gate

where one doth find and inward know –

the little thundered deaths of man.

Here, concentrated vitality pulsating

fired in a forging of Svadhisthana's cavern

whence Muladhara's hallow sunless root

of channelled molten seething sap

surfs in mastery the mighty awsome wave

wherein Sushumna's enlivened and endless tube

Is then raised up to blend and bind and climb and touch

This fire & mountain of soaring depth and sacred Trust.

(02 February '80)