Poems Glad Heart Poem Poetry GladHeart Poetry Poem Glad Heart Poems

Welcoming to Home Stone


Crystal Ball of Fire

The firmament of

vision and horizon

was burning aglow;

sweet pulsing with

orange and reds, held

in the Fires of Kali.

The cleansing was done:

rituals of water

incense and ash,

clean garments,

right intent,

candles and sacred linen.

Grounded steadfastly

in a fearless vibrancy

full of focused breath,

held in chant and prayer,

embraced with propriety,

is an extending of welcome

to this streaming portal

flowing its clear pathways

of enlivening awarenesses.

Jai!! Jai!! Jai!!

Be too here of my

contemporance Guruji!!

Jai!! Jai!! Jai!!

to the fires of Kali

echoing in returns of

those jais of thanks.

Worlds are speaking

from their glowing

embers of life and

course in swirls of

emotioned colour as

a dark bright conduit

rushing forward of

boons and blessings,

buffeting with winds

of flurries fluxing in

the Tempests-of-Time.

Jai!! Be of certainty!!

Only understandings

of goodness and this

Home Stone's sanctity

will find this portal

open to either a

welcome or a passage.

It is the sanctuary

and Home Stone

of GladHeart.

There is but only a

transit and entry made

of Peace and Kindness.