
Poems Glad Heart Poem Poetry GladHeart Poetry Poem Glad Heart Poems

We of His Bhakti Path

You find it funny

me having

a flowered shrine about a room

where much of what you see

is interspersed, with photographs of He.

You think it queer

in silence set

I lock gaze at flattened form of He

and set so highly Him placed

as a ‘devotion’ within my day.

Well, its fine one does and may

for you are you and your path

need not be mine

in might you would quiet sit find, beauty

in the canvas of life; as natured expanse.

But for me, who would deeper see

the sight beyond the self

into the ages of growth which move

from rock and river and fibre of root

to man at his play in the market place

Gaze I will at the highest Transcendental of He

and so seek to reach that Eternal Heaven space

where no object of separation remains in place

but only focused vision unfolded that sees

quickly where that focus of God, becomes too Me.

(28 January '80)