Poems Glad Heart Poem Poetry GladHeart Poetry Poem Glad Heart Poems

These Are Your Words

These are your words, remember them.

"Sir, no questions or accusations,

they only lead to discontent and chaos.

With all her breath

With all the strength of her body

She asked if she could lay down

Before you

The one who is master dominant

And looking forward

Not in the rearview mirror

Kissing your feet

And petitioning if you would allow her

To be your submissive

To serve you and

To keep you free

Free spirit

She is looking up

With a strong

Back bone

And understanding

What she is asking for.

And most of all to allow you to be free."

If there is integrity, unspoken will come trust.

What will unfold, will come but from that alone.

(1 September '19)