Poems Glad Heart Poem Poetry GladHeart Poetry Poem Glad Heart Poems

The Free Market’s Price of Oil

Where is it written

Democracy equals a free market

devoid of historical continuity,

stewardship, or social consciousness?

If our children and their children’s childrens’ spawn

could have bid on the price of oil

it would and should have stood

our present reality held sure

most clearly on its head.

So; life which is yet in hope to come,

when you etch our stones

with mercantilism, laissez-fiaire,

opium wars, free markets,

short sightedness, and Keynes;

I do surely see you cry and weep

at our worn tumbled alters of iron and stone

with their fallen ghosts which justified myths

that, in their time,

held spread in rape

our mother Gaia’s thighs.

(15 January '07)