Poems Glad Heart Poem Poetry GladHeart Poetry Poem Glad Heart Poems

The Bush Hoggers and Their Forgings of War

Arising late, it was quite at lunch.

The squirrels sported in Mother Oak.

Then, like the horror of trench warfare,

the engines of destruction shattered the peace.

Within the minute their intention was visible.

The last vestige tree line has been assailed.

The onslaught upon the remaining salient had began.

The cries of Mother Nature's breaking bones rang out.

Then, two majestic, living glories, one after the other,

swayed, devolving from light and sight in their felling.

Now, beyond the carnage and slaughter, there remains

only mighty Mother Oak awaiting the last of her days.

Saddened, sickened; i but could, remorsefully return inside.

(21 November '18)