Poems Glad Heart Poem Poetry GladHeart Poetry Poem Glad Heart Poems

Summation of Diverse Languages

I brook no discord in my `AO*1` .

Say it in any cloak:

it is a sanctuary of kindness.

It a hearth and `Home Stone*2` of,

neither chaos nor discontent.

Where necessary,

There is by my door a whip

made of time and distance.

There is too theatre of merriment, focus

and, purpose of form and order.

There is acknowledged understanding.

There is an absolute pithed simplicity

of the bargaining finally done.

There is come a calm, faithful coherence

in that clarity of peace remaining.

(12 May '18)

*¹ Standard military acronym

for `Area of Operation`.

*² “In peasant villages on this

world,” he continued, “each hut

was originally built around a

flat stone which was placed in

the center of the circular

dwelling. It was carved with

the family sign and was called

the Home Stone. It was, so to

speak, a symbol of sovereignty,

or territory, and each peasant,

in his own sovereign.”