Poems Glad Heart Poem Poetry GladHeart Poetry Poem Glad Heart Poems

Servants in Service of the Keeper

GladHeart is the keeper

of House and Home Stone.

GladHeart is of contentment

in its peace and kindness.

GladHeart is the keeper and light

of quietude and glad heart.

GladHeart is that heart of calm care and its

attunements of higher orderings.

Below and within this certitude

of peace and kindness,

There is a cast of many characters,

each too, Masters all,

Pledged in faithfulness

obedience and service therein.

Dougie / the clerk and engineer.

CrazyBastard and WindWanderer

the livers

of life!!

Troubadour the singer of songs.

Poet, the smithy of words.

Master Douglas of Humanized-Gorean:

the simplicity,

the theatre and,

the precept of,

in good purpose,

doing no harm.

Pan and Kink Master

worshipers of a

pantheon touched

in care, balance

and free of shame.

Little Man and Sensei

guardian monks of

hubris and wisdom

with, absolutely

nothing to prove.

Yeah, GladHeart smiles, encourages and,

waves off to Dougie, CrazyBastard, Pan

and troup out for weekends to play.

And, yes!! Yes oh yes, !!Life Is Good!!

(28 May '18)