Poems Glad Heart Poem Poetry GladHeart Poetry Poem Glad Heart Poems

Self-Anointed* Prophets Acknowledged As Man

The Absoluteness of any ‘God’,

Is Not apart,

from deepest Divinity of Man!

Yes, Silence speaks but,

any “Final Word of God”

mere shackle of blasphemy

and, idolatry of obedience

in hands of momentary man

would who substitutes

the wayang kulit**

of his passing shadow for

An Effulgence of Divinity’s Own Silent-Lifelight

Murmuring Ageless and Unmeasured-Unfoldings

in the Hearts of the rivers of Man.

Any ‘God’

writing in stone or,

with the last words of ‘Allah’

in the `fitted` angel feathered ear of man

is blinded by

a talking god

created in and,

wielded by,

a time locked image of man!

 (I too pray to God each day: 'Do save me from his followers.')

 * “Not self-anointed: anointed by God!”

 “Who says so?”

 “My prophet proclaims it!”

 “Then; let me not be misjudged.”

 ** Shadow puppet stage