
Poems Glad Heart Poem Poetry GladHeart Poetry Poem Glad Heart Poems

Psychology of Double Think

I am in peace without you.

You are invited here in peace:

not to confront me in the

unnecessary subject matter

you, at times, throw yourself

into and then, in remorse and

tears and, apologies of

"never again", and the

self-admitted "stupidity"

and inappropriateness of your

broken promises in so doing.

What is this 'Girl' or

'this person' garbage??

Degrading and demeaning?

Dehumanizing and debasing?

Unfairly opportunistic or an

Unnecessarily callous aggrandizing?

No, in your case Girl

of latent dissatisfaction

preceding confrontation,

it has come to this place.

It is the reality of peace.

It is the functioning of

awareness, form and order,

hope and, a possibility

that lays open to sanity,

stability and continuity.

Girl of needing

love and recognition

in change and more,

comparisons flung up of

"Why?", "I" and "Just!"

while supposedly

in an integrity

of communication

you seem continue

throw aside at will,

It's simply a mind filter

of 'doublethink',

to see and leave

things as they are

before your


shifts from you

onto me in,

I do(es)

and I don't(s)

and, I should(s)

While you shoot from the hip

in a loop of

Jerry Springer

rerun drama



I don't

even watch TV)

That if I behaved

and thought


you'd somehow

remain happy.

Has it ever worked before

when I slid and

bent and placated

and fed you

spoonfuls and

shovelfuls and

soothings of words

and actions of both

love and attention?

It has never been enough.

It's never not

the needing of

more and change.

So, what is this 'Girl' or

'this person' garbage??

I'll tell you.

You are now


in training

to a Master

in a method

of your words

and actions

being preceded

by the act

of 'doublethink'.

Know to quit taking this totally personal!

Know if you desire to be here unforced, just

bow down and in do must; put up with my shit.

I am at peace here without you; and, I am

here without confrontation and discontent.

Your are invited here in that peace.

I therefore ask you not visit this place of

peace if you cannot put up with my shit; for I,

as it is termed, am comfortably at peace with it.

(29 May '18)