Poems Glad Heart Poem Poetry GladHeart Poetry Poem Glad Heart Poems

Plaintive Cry Now a Festering Admonition Plague 9/11

We ask why?!?

It is, our ignorance and our arrogance!

A Promised Land, a chosen people

and we the descendents of biblical Right

of borrowed legends and the art of sanitation

and oneness of mysticism

and the sheepherder’s lies of special rights

from a family history preceded by many, much more righteous.

(I’m still awaiting the unearthing of god’s antecedent deed to the Canaanites:-)

We ask why?!?

It is, our ignorance and our arrogance!

Oh yes, me a near-ahimsist who also sees

that malignancy oft walks two legged

would easily take the surgeon’s knife

and with extra twist

bid Bin-Laden eye to eye

an empty journey to a schizophrenic desert prophet

(And his tribal religion frozen in time by neither the greatest nor, the self -anointed last!)

We ask why?!?

It is, our ignorance and our arrogance!

And we, self-righteous, propagandized pawns of political ‘isms

are astute in that being a German is NOT a Nazi

but, dare not say we be anti-Israel or revile the ‘ism of Zion

for ‘We’ support the “democracy” of a religious state

Which was a land of cities, villages orchards, families and, of milk and honey

a Palestine externally consumed by Hitler’s guilt and Haganath.

(Ah, but Balfour, Irgun, Dar Yassin and Katamon;

these need not concern our founding father’s children!)

We ask why?!?

It is, our ignorance and our arrogance!

Until our foreign trust is based on humane reality,

and not the bigotry of imagined Christianity

with politicians’ blocks of votes and our wailing wall of buttressed billions,

will we see to apologize for our sins

And hear the cries as would be ours, if Hirahito’s Sons

scourged and purged our terror from a Seattle Knesset

(For, all hail Righteous Emperors-of-the-Sun and Fathers of the American tribes!)

We ask why?!?

It is, our ignorance and our arrogance!

(1 June '02)