Poems Glad Heart Poem Poetry GladHeart Poetry Poem Glad Heart Poems

Paradigm Shifting

'Paradigm shift', as meant used here,

is neither insignificant conceptualization

nor is it a casual consideration.

It is not a philosophical grandiloquent,

a giggle or declamatory of oration.

It is as focused thought, an instrument of conciseness,

Of as a Zen of inner clarities and outer functionings.

More powerful even than our actions which we can hold and turn,

our word's insidiousness of momentum leads us on propelled,

skimming the surface of subconscious shimmer

in an inexorable self-justification

of self-acceptance.

It is a basic human nature.

It is the wind of inner noise and compass of our bearing.

The awareness-cessation of our reflexive primary self,

our 'go to persona' of practiced skill,

of self-identification, ease and, comfort;

is the opening of doors - the key to karma:

it is our ramparts' towers of keen vision

where our pronouncements seen in a 'paradigm shift'

Might, should or would surly often, justify themselves most otherwise.

(22 February '17)