Poems Glad Heart Poem Poetry GladHeart Poetry Poem Glad Heart Poems

Individualized Eternity

If in dissolution

- yes, the body falls away

Do not their atoms

and construents deeper

cycle and flux

in the mathmatical scales

of oak trees and moss

and the galactic intercessions

of black holes and supernovas?

Of the paint bucket of experiences

we carry as 'self'


has been experienced and carried

by souls indoctrinate imagining sure

a place secure with their winged

relatives-of-faith in Holy Day best

at places apart, with Pearly Gates

or of Oases or Ten Thousand Mouths

each with Ten Thousand Tongues awag


experienced as a Oneness-of-One

as a 'That', which being is too

of a comprehension Without-None

do these too, just some or all,

continue flux

in eternal rhythms and scales of

Consciousness and Colours-of-the-Universe?