Poems Glad Heart Poem Poetry GladHeart Poetry Poem Glad Heart Poems

In Praise of Liberal


Fie Upon the Falwells, Robertsons, Randalls, Buchanans, Roves, Reeds,

Limbaughed Ditto Heads & the Short Cycled Interests of Baby Bushes

Too, as I would keep God out of the cockpits of 747s –

So would we, from the pulpits of our classrooms.

For valued are the protections

And promises of the Constitution & Bill of Rights,

Not the moral imprisonment of the semi-saved!

So Righteously resplendent in the borrowed

currency of current clichés and their cloak of family values

Who are found most shrill and pompous and armed

when there are devils to be drawn & quartered,

or gods to be served with the flesh of the burning ‘steak’.

When tyranny and ‘pinko’ fell, the left was lost as well.

Triumphant now the ignorant, arrogant and narrow rise glorified

like locusts rising as a swarming,

howling, harrowing, ravenous, hollow hum

Laying siege to waste the deep, tolerant, and noble American heart,

with their mandibles clacking and clicking to a dumb raging rote

chanting the vivisection, vilification and  victimization of the

Greatness sweet, birthed in Liberty’s nurturing and liberal womb.

Masturbate the masses

and proclaim less oversight and taxes for your Corporate Lay’s

But, keep your Storm Troopers of Righteousness

the hell out of our courts, bedrooms and wombs!

Give us our Liberty –

Not, the convenient right of your religious wrong!

(18 July ‘03)