Poems Glad Heart Poem Poetry GladHeart Poetry Poem Glad Heart Poems


I am of 'Gorean'.

Anyone who says

"they are Gorean"

is crazy....

I am of Gorean.

I am a Master.

I am not crazy.

I am Master of my Home Stone.

A Master of his sails.

A Master of his theatre.

A Master of his craft.

A Master of his Life.

A misogynic chauvinist?  No.

Might justifies the social contract?  No.

Biology sanctifies dehumanization?  No.

I seek possession of others?  No.

A sexist leash and chains-'kinbaku' Lang *1?  No.

Unqualified Gorean:

perhaps a lifestyle creed of D&s furtherance;

but, as a dogmatic philosophy and unprincipled tyranny,

too easily the far abyss of an unrestrained S&M.


perhaps a principled clarity of Gorean communication;

where it need neither be without ethics nor,

of an unredeeming and emperious philosophy.

As fact, the sun may come up in the east

and set in the west,

but, as a logic used by John

one can not correctly maintain,

To conclude as fact, it is it that transits us.

There is no Gor on Earth.

But of Gor, there is found

'like a wandering through

a rock quarry, the few,

the rare, and occasional gems'.

There is but for me, a Humanized-Gor.

There is but its quiet core of utter simplicity.

I am a Master of my Home Stone.

I am a Master of his sails.

A Master of his theatre.

A Master of his craft.

A Master of his Life.

(8 January '18)