Poems Glad Heart Poem Poetry GladHeart Poetry Poem Glad Heart Poems

From He Who Chooses Salute Eternity and Purpose

Zygot Worthy Of Heaven

To be remembered we should have a pyramid built

or tombstone etched for, if not,

[on an individual basis vs. societal impact and drift]

Five score years from now

we will be no more known and remembered than

the attendees to Shakespeare's plays or those who

applauded Euripides in the Greek amphitheaters or,

watched Gladiators spill blood on Colosseum sands.

No worry, it's all good.

We have simply imagined our Herculean efforts at living, and then

making sense out of our brief food chain glimpse of Consciousness

as something monumental esteemed beyond the ashes

of a magnificent zygote; made worthy of a heaven.

(20 February '18)