Kali Supreme
Calgary 1945

Poems Glad Heart Poem Poetry GladHeart Poetry Poem Glad Heart Poems

Coming to Terms With the Symbolism of Kali

If you have

seen the vibrant beauty

of youth destroyed,

Wars, pestilence and

the ravages

of neglect and decay

And, know in a

clarity of laughter

yours comes too; then,

then, you may come to know Kali.

If you have seen

worlds turn, oceans to dust

coloured canyons of time;

Or, having smiled at

photographs etched of

those who have bore you

Seen those ephemeral shadowed outlines

as equal to and, no more than

a heaven imagined; then,

then, you will know Kali:

the field of life

the scimitar on high

the red of blood

the garland of arms

the severed head

the boons of blessings


Her, standing alive

foot upon even the Transcendent.

(24 August '18)